We continue with integrated education in language and cultural heritage
During the autumn, Pillot team members continue to prepare and implement practical learning activities for learners in all five countries of our European project consortium. The activities are primarily designed for the needs of adult learners of migratory and refugee backgrounds.
The aim of the practical implementation phase is to work directly with the learners, and offer them new, innovative, and interesting opportunities to enhance their second/foreign language comprehension and understanding of local tangible and intangible cultural heritage simultaneously. Educators from Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Italy and Luxembourg have set a goal to focus on several selected areas of cultural heritage, such as art and history, folk culture, customs and legends, folk culinary culture, urban space and cultural heritage, and natural cultural heritage. The team of educators and activity facilitators have diverse backgrounds, for instance museum education, cultural and historical lecturing, regular second language teaching, intercultural education, and non-formal community education.
The testing phase is going well - dozens of adult learners from countries as diverse as Ukraine, Belarus, Syria, Egypt, Colombia, Venezuela, UK, Canada, Guinea, have already participated in the workshops. The participants have a variety of language levels - from beginners to intermediate, which is both challenging and intriguing for the Pillot team in terms of tailoring and shaping the activities for everyone’s needs and background. Both museum/cultural and language educators are leaving the safe confines of their professional areas of practice, and exploring the interdisciplinary possible opportunities of their education field.
Are you learning the local language in Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Italy or Luxembourg, and are you interested in taking part in new engaging opportunities for free? Feel free to contact one of our local coordinators to learn about available options to get involved:
Warsaw, Poland | Museum of Warsaw
Katarzyna Žák-Caplot
contact: katarzyna.zak [@] muzeumwarszawy.pl
Cluj, Romania | Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography
Andreea Iasko
contact: contact [@] muzeul-etnografic.ro
Florence, Italy | Stazione Utopia
Chiara Damiani
contact: edu [@] stazioneutopia.com
Prague, Czech Republic | Centrum demokratického vzdělávání
Šárka Paličková
contact: sarka [@] demokraticke-vzdelavani.cz
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg | Inlingua
Rita Costa
contact: rita.costa [@] inlingua.lu